Sunday, October 1, 2017

Improve Your Memory UP TO 80%,How To Increase Brain Power

How To Increase Brain Power

Improve Your Memory UP TO 80%,How To Increase Brain Power And Regenerate Bones

Many people want to significantly increase and strengthen their memory and improve the functionality of the brain and thanks to these tips that we will mention below will help you increase your performance. Only with perseverance can you get the results you need, we hope you take advantage.

How to increase memory power and concentration.

These different foods that we show you will help you improve the functionality of your brain and stay healthy, choose the one you like:

Tomatoes:  a very strong antioxidant called lycopene, defends brain cells from free radical damage, and works wonders for whole body health.

El Romero:  is one of the most potent natural remedy to increase memory and improve concentration. Its compounds improve brain function. Even its aroma can work wonders. Do your best to get this plant, you can also use your essential oil.

Green Tea:  To sharpen memory and increase brain power, drink 2 to 3 cups of fresh green tea, prepared daily. Being herbal can increase concentration levels and cognitive functions, as it increases the electrical connectivity of the brain.

The Apples:  is one of the healthiest fruits to stay in shape, which will help you improve your memory.

Black Chocolate:  its contribution in powerful antioxidants and its caffeine content, helps to sharpen memory and also increase concentration levels.

Avocados (avocados) : help increase blood flow to the brain.

Blueberries : This juicy fruit is packed with antioxidants that help protect the brain from oxidative damage.

The Hard Egg:  you can incorporate a breakfast of eggs to your diet, to sharpen your memory. The yolk contains choline, which is beneficial to brain health.

Whole Grains:  The combination of fiber, complex carbohydrates and omega 3, make whole grains a super food for brain development.

The Betarraga (Betabel, Beetroot) : is full of natural nitrates, the beetroot improves blood flow in your body and brain.

EL Pescado:  like sardines, salmon, cod, etc., are some fatty fish filled with omega 3, for a correct functioning of the brain.

Onion:  includes raw onions in your diet to improve memory.

The Acorn Squash:  full of vitamin B12 and folic acid, protects the brain nerves from damage.

Nuts:  Improve the flow of oxygen and essential nutrients to the blood vessels of the brain. In addition, their omega-3 fatty acids increase brain power.
Turmeric:  can sharpen memory and prevent inflammation.

Take advantage and choose the food you like and start to strengthen your brain and improve your diet to have a mind and body in shape.

How to Sharpen Your Brain

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