Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Remedies for Snoring How to Stop Someone from Snoring


Remedies for Snoring

Snoring is a serious problem both for the person who suffers it as for their partner. Snoring prevents you from getting adequate rest and your health can be affected by not resting well. Here are some tips that can help you stop snoring.

1. Reduce the consumption of alcohol and sedatives

Alcohol and sedatives are relaxing, but they cause the person to go into a deep sleep pattern for longer and the longer a person goes into a deep sleep state, the more likely they are to snore.

2. Slimming down

Being overweight can increase your chances of snoring. If you lose weight and strengthen your neck and jaw muscles, snoring will most likely decrease. You could stop snoring altogether.


3. Raise your head while you sleep

When the throat relaxes and the tissues begin to vibrate, it is because the tongue recedes slightly towards the throat. This may block the airway slightly.To prevent the tongue from falling back, try placing an extra pillow under your head. This elevation will cause the tongue to remain in a more natural position.

4.Essential oils to open the airways

There are certain aromas that can increase the respiratory capacity. Menthol, for example, can open the airways of the nose and throat naturally. Menthol is marketed in the form of essential oil and can be used every night.Other essential oils that can be used to open the airways are eucalyptus and mint.

5. Change the position in which you fall asleep

Every person is different when he sleeps. Some people prefer to sleep on their side. Others prefer to sleep on the stomach or back.If we observe that we snore every time we are face up, try to change position. It may take a while to get accustomed to a new position, but it could solve our problem.

6. Avoid dairy products at night

In some people, consumption of dairy products can increase the buildup of mucus in the throat.If you tend to have an accumulation of mucus when taking dairy products, try to avoid these foods at night. Excess mucus in the throat can make you snore more easily.

7. Stop Smoking

We all know that smoking is bad for our health. But in addition, smoking can make a person snore, by irritating the tissues of the throat and making it vibrate much more.

8. Perform a nasal wash before bedtime It can be done with a nasal syringe and warm salt water. By doing this, you eliminate the dust and debris that block the breasts. It is also very useful if you have a cold or if you have sinusitis.

How to Stop Someone from Snoring.

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